BLACK WIDOW! It’s about time Marvel did right by the Widow, so that we, in turn, could do wrong by them, via Trailer Spoof. In this latest travesty, Natasha Romanoff finds herself back in the USSR, and you don’t know how lucky you are, boy, not having to self-isolate with her homicidal sister, radioactively-mutated father and body-image-obsessed mother, all the while being pursued by a masked foe with a master’s degree in achieving set goals. So zdravstvuyte, comrades! Quit beating around the babushka and check out the full spoofski on YouTube!
Apr 21 2020
2020 Trailer Trash-Up!
Are you feeling isolated? Socially distant? Overly-sanitized? Well then it’s time for something mass-gathered, in-your-face and severely unsanitary – our 2020 TRAILER TRASH-UP! Featuring, in no particular order, other than alphabetical: ALADDIN, ALITA, AQUAMAN, IT: CHAPTER 2, JOHN WICK 3, JOKER, LION KING, STAR WARS: RISE OF SKYWALKER, TERMINATOR: DARK FATE and X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX – there’s enough trash here for a landfill!. So be qWICK! Stop LION around – RISE up, DARK over to YouTube and AQUire some JOKEs cos sooner ALITA IT’s over, ALADDIN. (I’m assuming your name is Aladdin. I mean what else could it be?)
Dec 30 2019
The Ultimate Battle of Good and Evil vs an Even Eviler Evil! ALL the HEROES, ALL the VILLAINS – MARVEL, DC, STAR WARS, X-MEN, LORD OF THE RINGS, HARRY POTTER, THE MATRIX, TERMINATOR and so many more – will join forces for the first time to take on the most highly-awarded super-villain of all time – OSCAR! Will they triumph and free themselves from their eternal torment? Or will their golden captor wipe the arena with their collective butts? Suit up, strap in and push it to 88 mph for the Biggest, Bombasticest, Hyperbolicest Showdown in HISTORY!
Jul 01 2019
Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer Spoof
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME! The arach-kid from Queens is off to see the actual Queen and soak in the sights: a menace in Venice, pyroclastics in Prague and some thunderin’ in London! (The Venice rhyme worked great and there was nowhere to go but down.) We made a spoof that’s a little closer to home, provided you live in a globulous bubble of goof. Join Peter Parker, MJ, Ned, Nick Fury, Maria Hill and Mysterio – the enigmatic asthmatic who’s taken the term “bowl cut” to the next level – as they literally brave the elements in a foreign land. But hey – it’s just another day, another Euro for everyone’s favourite webbed Tony-fan.
Apr 27 2019
Avengers: Endgame Trailer Spoof
AVENGERS: ENDGAME! Eleven years is a long time to promote one movie but Marvel have done it! The prelude is complete and it’s time for the main event! Those trailers were a little sombre though, so we thought we’d darken the mood even further by adding our sad and sorry spoof into the mix. The gang’s all here! Well… half of them, anyway. Join long-suffering Toon Sandwich regulars Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, Ant-Man, MoHawkeye and more in the spoof to end all games! And there may even be a surprise appearance from a certain purple pumpkin-chinned papa. Course, it’s not a surprise anymore, but please appear shocked. And #whateverittakes, click the link in the comments and watch the full video 😈
Feb 15 2019
Captain Marvel Trailer Spoof
CAPTAIN MARVEL! This is when you know a Studio is taking their brand to the next level – they name a character after themselves. What’s next? Captain Disney? Captain Sony? Captain Dreamworks? That one actually sounds cool – I’m picturing Freddy Krueger meets that acorn-fishing lunar boy… ANYWAY! Captain Marvel – she’s the cat-loving top gun pilot with a completely unfair amount of laser power and she’s teaming up with Samuel L. Jackson from Die Hard 3 to take on bad guy du jour Ben Meddlesome as an Austr-alien Stark Trek villain. Bananas as that sounds, we’ve Kree-ated a spoof that attempts to be bananaser – Skrull down to see if our plan bore fruit. 🍌
Dec 09 2018
“Jurassic Word” The Disney Song!
“JURASSIC WORLD” THE DISNEY SONG! We’re just Aladdin you know that our first animated music video is here and it combines two things previously considered incompatible: magical romance in ancient Arabia and dying in the jaws of a genetically-engineered prehistoric beast. Be prepared to regard these two themes as inseparable from this day forward. But seriously, if you’re in any way a fan of Disney’s Aladdin, or Universal’s Jurassic Park/World movies, you owe it to yourself to test that fandom to its absolute limits by watching this video.
Oct 01 2018
2018 Trailer Trash-Up!
SPOOFS THROUGH THE ROOF! This year, we’ve taken desperate measures to ensure as few trailers as possible escape our raisin-sharp wit. Behold, the Trash-Up! Not one, not two, not thr- oh let’s save some time here- there’s TEN! Ten movie trailers delicately spoofed, mixed in together with a hefty sprinkling of breadcrumbs and cooked until cringey. So WASP are you waiting for? Be UPRISING! FALLOUT of bed, RAID the fridge, SCRAPE some friends together or go SOLO, make sure you there’s no VENOMOUS PREDATORS or PANTHERS about and get READY, PLAYER – the Trash-Up is up and it’s trash-cendent!
Jul 05 2018
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom Trailer Spoof
JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM! Dinosaurs just can’t catch a break, can they? First, a meteorite wipes them all out. Now, after a glimmer of hope at a second chance, cue extinction-level volcanic eruption. Mother Nature hates these guys! But just because you’re a terrible lizard, doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person. So we’ve decided to throw these braindead past-their-exist-by-date iguana-birds a fossilised bone and revisit their hotspot island for a second bite of animated mayhem. What are you waiting for? Get Jurass over to YouTube and watch a spoof 65 million lame jokes in the making! (From which we select the two or three lamest.)
May 27 2018
Avengers Infinity War Trailer Spoof
AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR – it’s the war that just keeps on keeping on, in which teams of Avengers, Guardians and Wakandans join forces to fight a purple pumpkin-chinned baldie from space who wishes to take Two-Face’s concept of equal-opportunity murder to its cosmic extreme. A classic tale retold! And if you thought there was a lot of footage in the trailers missing from the final movie, you don’t know the HALF of it! (no Thanos pun intended). Check out this alternative trailer featuring 100% unreleased footage from the film! What were they thinking leaving these gems on the cutting room floor?