Jul 31 2022
Thor Love and Thunder Trailer Spoof
Jun 21 2022
Jurassic World Dominion Trailer Spoof
May 02 2022
This is is the third of these Trash-Ups we’ve done now, and the third of a trilogy is always the best! 👍😀👍 Well it’s at least the biggest. So what are you waiting for? There’s NO TIME TO lose so start DUNE a FAST E-TERN and KOMBAck to YouTube, BUST open this NEW video and LET THERE BE spoofage, MATe!(TRIX), with our shinsheresht SHANGs! (a little tipsy for some reason) 🥂
Mar 05 2022
The Batman Trailer Spoof
Dec 22 2021
FANFICTASIA – Episode 2 – The Vault of Un-Kept Secrets
FANFICTASIA EPISODE 2! Finally we have an answer to the year-long question “where’s episode 2?” – we found it behind the couch cushion and now it’s up on our channel, covered in dust bunnies and chewing gum wrappers. (Just don’t ask us where episode 3 is – that one’s still got us stumped. Maybe we’ll remember in 12 months or so…)
What random Fanfictastic character cameos will feature this time? What realms will be visited? Who else is dead? Where’s episode 3?
75% of these questions will be answered satisfyingly! Take the red pill, jack yourself hard into the Faketrix and become the One*!
*…person who reads this nonsense.
Oct 18 2021
Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer Spoof
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME! He’s been to Washington DC. He’s done a Eurotrip. There’s really only one frontier left to explore: the infinite alternative realities of the Multiverse. Luckily there’s one lapsed-surgeon-turned-sorceror in the Big Apple who knows how to spell. That’s right folks, as J. Jonah Jameson would say – it’s time for our biggest standalone trailer spoof yet, as J. Jonah Jameson would never say. Join Peter Parallel-Universe-Parker, Doctor Strangely Irresponsible, [Initial here ➡︎] MJ, Aunt Tomei, The Artist Currently Known As Wong and a few unexpected dimensional tresspassers in a recklessly magical parodic adventure with a surprise ending that hits you like a punch to Tom Holland’s nether-lands (ie. painful to watch).
Jun 27 2021
The Suicide Squad Trailer Spoof
THE SUICIDE SQUAD! How do you parody a trailer that’s already silly and outrageous? You don’t – you leave it alone. But we learned that lesson too late so here’s this thing, in which Harley fails to Quinntimidate I-can’t-Think-of-his-name, Peacemaker appeases with a prepackaged peace offering, Blackguard flicks rags, Rick Flag doesn’t guard his back, Bloodsport spots blood, Ratcatcher retorts, Waller’s closed off, Weasel’s woke, Savant’s an idiot and King Shark fishes for a bounty.
All that in one 5-minute video? What happens in the other 4 minutes?
Mar 29 2021
Godzilla vs Kong Trailer Spoof
GODZILLA VS KONG! Two stars as big as Godzilla and Kong in the same movie? Sparks are sure to fly! But first they need to get ’em on set, and that’s where the REAL fight happens – behind the scenes, via intense contractual negotiations.
Dec 25 2020
FANFICTASIA – Episode 1 – The Phantom-like Menace
FANFICTASIA! The term “fan-fiction” only evokes positive connotations, so imagine a whole PLANET built around that concept – booyah! The Heroes and Villains from our Super-Bowl saga have created their own utopia, inspired by their fictional backstories – a world of many worlds, that hundreds of pop-culture characters can call home. But a shadow has fallen over this paradise, in the form of several murdered characters. A several-murdered-characters shadow. Are the deaths connected? Has something of Oscar survived? Whodunnit? None of these questions will be answered because it’s only part 1.
Sep 26 2020
Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Spoof
WONDER WOMAN 1984! We saw the first Wonder Woman and somehow missed the other 1,982 sequels but hopefully this one will recap the 66 years they cover, since this one is set in 1984! But you don’t need a recap to understand our trailer spoof cos it’s standalone (ie: no one comes near it). Join Amazon-out-of-water Diana Prince, the unkillable Steve Trevor and love-desperate Barbara (Cheetah) Minerva in a spoof that will make you nostalgic for the time before you watched it.