Whoah – talk about late news (we just needed the time to verify everything) but two months ago, on October 3rd, The Killage was awarded Best in Festival at the Crystal Palace International Film Festival in London! Check out the acceptance video clip with Rita Artmann, Joe Bauer, Dryden Bingham and a special appearance by an old friend:
In more exciting news, CPIFF Festival Director Neill Roy has come on board as The Killage‘s UK sales agent. For any UK distribution enquiries, please contact Neill Roy of Harlequin Productions ([email protected]) or alternatively, head over to ArtSpear.com’s CONTACT US page.
Dec 08 2011
Killage wins Crystal Palace Best in Festival
Sep 23 2011
The Killage is going to the UK… again!
The Killage has been accepted into the Crystal Palace International Film Festival in London!
Here is some information about the festival:
The Crystal Palace International Film festival is an event designed to showcase independent films and film talent from around the world in a number of genres, formats and lengths. Winners receive a bespoke ‘Transmitter’ award and relevant films may be submitted to the BBC, Channel 4 and/or other UK TV channels for consideration, via Harlequin Productions’ online submission account – the film maker’s agreement will be sought first. This ensures the films will be received and watched by the correct commissioning people at the channels and given the consideration they deserve – not an easy task!
The CPIFF is a festival organised by Harlequin Productions aiming to promote independent film makers from all over the world. The 2010 festival was a great success, very well attended and very well received.
The Festival provides opportunities for independent film makers to have their films screened at selected venues around Crystal Palace in London to a passionate audience of film professionals, journalists and the general public and to win a best in category ‘Transmitter’ award. Furthermore, any films judged to be applicable could be submitted by Harlequin Productions to the BBC, Channel 4 and/or other UK TV channels for consideration, via their online submission account – the film maker’s agreement will be sought first.
There are 10 Transmitter awards presented at the Festival; the winners are chosen by a prestigious panel of judges including Johnny Vegas, the famous comedian, writer and producer; Mark Steel, comedian and author; Quentin Miles, animation director at Cinesite.com.
Crystal Palace is also simply one of the coolest places in London as well as one of the most beautiful. Aptly the very first colour TV transmissions were sent from here by John Logie Baird who invented TV and the BBC still broadcast from the 2 large transmitters clearly visible for miles.
Sep 09 2011
The Void: Season 1 – Production Photos
Check out the production photos from The Void, ArtSpear’s new skit-com set to air at the end of October on Brisbane’s Digital31 (channel 44)!
Jun 28 2011
The Killage is going to the UK!
“The Killage” has just been accepted into the Bram Stoker International Film Festival! (Wait til they discover it’s actually a werewolf movie…) Ignore that last joke.
Here’s the festival’s MISSION OBJECTIVE:
The Bram Stoker International will feature a diverse selection of feature film premieres and innovative short films on the cutting edge, including acclaimed new independent and international horror, sci-fi, fantasy, action, animation, and offbeat works from across the UK, North America, Europe and Asia. [and evidently Australia as well.]
Each year, the Bram Stoker International Film Festival will strive to:
1 – Showcase innovative, independent and international thrilling films, in front of audiences that would otherwise never get to see these works in a theatrical setting.
2 – Encourage and support homegrown genre filmmakers with a dedicated program of emerging UK talent.
Even though they don’t acknowledge the existence of our continent, you’ve got to love the Brits! So make sure you book your tickets to Whitby, England so you don’t miss the UK premiere of the offbeat independent comedy/horror… THE KILLAGE!
Jun 04 2011
The Killage – Trailer II
In case you’ve managed to avoid watching it – here it is – the second, and some would say better, trailer for THE KILLAGE!
You axed for it.
Jun 02 2011
The Killage screening
The screening for ArtSpear Entertainment’s first feature film is coming up! Get your tickets now.
The Killage Screening – STICKY TICKETS
The Killage will be screening on the 7th of July at Palace cinemas. The film will start at 6.45pm but guests are welcome to turn up anytime from 6.15pm onwards. It is an independent shlock horror/ comedy. This is the ONLY screening of this film and your only chance to watch it with the actors so do not miss out on a ticket. The film will only be shown again after distribution. Dress code is a minimum of smart casual but feel free to dress up. The Killage is rated MA 15+: Strong violence and coarse language. The screening is open for all suitable ages. NO recording material is to be taken inside the cinema.
May 25 2011