Category: Uncategorized


The Ultimate Battle of Evil vs Evil! ALL the Movie Villains – MARVEL, DC, STAR WARS, X-MEN, LORD OF THE RINGS, HARRY POTTER, THE MATRIX and so much more – Slashers, Monsters, Witches, Demons, Vampires, Aliens, Robots, Clowns – the Best of the Worst are all here! Which Villain will have the last maniacal laugh? …

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Star Wars The Last Jedi Trailer Spoof

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI! That far, far away galaxy is drawing nearer and nearer… Who is the last Jedi? Is it singular or plural? Is it implying there will be no more?? Or is it a TIE-Poe and they meant to write the Lost Jedi? None of these questions will be answered in our …

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Justice League Trailer Spoof

JUSTICE LEAGUE! DC is out to prove they’re not just a Flash in the Super-pan so don’t Wonder off cos they’re up to Bat and it’s about to get CybAquadiculous! (Kinda just gave up at the end there). Check out all your super-pals in their all-new super-big sandwich, creatively titled “Justice League Trailer Spoof”! DC’s …

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Thor: Ragnarok Trailer Spoof

THOR: RAGNAROK! Charge your hammers, because the cape-wearing male model with the worst luck in siblings is back and kicking Asgard! Hulk hulks out, Hela gives hell, Loki goes loco and Valkyrie… flies a horse! Check out the spoof below! Oh and speaking of siblings, Chris once again shows that Luke and Liam aren’t WORTHy …

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Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer Spoof

SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING! It’s time for the biggest swinger in Manhattan to thwipp himself into shape with a little help from billionaire benefactor Tony Stark and a pimped-out Swiss-Army suit that makes all previous versions look like ribbed pyjamas!

Beauty and the Beast Trailer Spoof

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST – Disney’s latest liveactionification of one of its animated classics. Like the film itself, we’ve added a couple of exciting new characters. Unlike the film itself, we do NOT do justice to the musical numbers. Also, we’re a bit late with this one… but can you ever be late when the …

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Logan Trailer Spoof

LOGAN. It’s Hugh Jackman’s swan-song playing the kookily-coiffed guy who always brings his own cutlery. No film this year deserves more reverence and respect from its fans. We dropped the ball there. But in the immortal words of the immortal Wolverine, “That’s not a claw. THIS is a claw!” Wait, that’s Hogan, not Logan. Which …

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Brace yourself for the ultimate superhero smackdown of all time! MARVEL, DC, STAR WARS, LORD OF THE RINGS, AVATAR, X-MEN, WATCHMEN, TERMINATOR, INDIANA JONES, JAMES BOND, GAME OF THRONES, HARRY POTTER, THE MATRIX… If you can name an absurdly expensive movie franchise, it’s here and it’s doing battle with every other! Who will be the …

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Rogue One Trailer Spoof

ROGUE ONE. The first of Disney’s Star Wars Anthology movies, in which a motley rabble of Rebels attempt to steal the Empire’s intellectual property. And we’re supposed to applaud this sort of behaviour? What the Empire should have done is trademarked their Death Star™ design and then submitted a copyright infringement claim when cheap knock-off …

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Joker & Harley – Couples Therapy – TOON SANDWICH

JOKER and HARLEY QUINN – It’s a cosplay couple’s psychotic fever dream come true. But just how healthy is this match made in hell? Answer: it’s clinging to life by a purple thread. Not to worry! We’ve sent these two hair-dyed, skin-bleached, tattoo-infested freaks to the best psychiatrist in Gotham. May she rest in peace.