Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer Spoof

SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME! He’s been to Washington DC. He’s done a Eurotrip. There’s really only one frontier left to explore: the infinite alternative realities of the Multiverse. Luckily there’s one lapsed-surgeon-turned-sorceror in the Big Apple who knows how to spell. That’s right folks, as J. Jonah Jameson would say – it’s time for our biggest standalone trailer spoof yet, as J. Jonah Jameson would never say. Join Peter Parallel-Universe-Parker, Doctor Strangely Irresponsible, [Initial here ➡︎] MJ, Aunt Tomei, The Artist Currently Known As Wong and a few unexpected dimensional tresspassers in a recklessly magical parodic adventure with a surprise ending that hits you like a punch to Tom Holland’s nether-lands (ie. painful to watch).