March 2016 archive

Game of Thrones Season 6 Teaser Spoof – TOON SANDWICH

Put your GAME face on, because GAME OF THRONES SEASON 6 is about to start up! Will Jon Snow return from the dead? Will Danaerys finally go overseas? Will several characters that you love be unceremoniously slaughtered? Well, that one’s a given. But while you wait, why not skip on down to the most happening …

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Suicide Squad Trailer Spoof – TOON SANDWICH

Wrangle your SQUAD together, cos it’s SUICIDE TIME! The DC Cinematic Universe is about to get bigger, badder and distractingly more tattooed with this veritable rogues gallery of super-batty bad guys! A clown prince and his wacko muse, a body-art-besotted fire conjurer, a vampy witch, a crocodile… is it a New Orleans gang-bang? No, it’s …

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