October 2015 archive

AUSTRALIENS Festivals Update OCT 2015

Australiens has been popping up all over the world like a mysterious, unidentified object flying in the sky, except not so much in the sky as in a movie theatre. Here are some recent updates, including three new festival in the US, Argentina and Andorra! (It’s a tiny country between France and Spain). AWARDS: Best …

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AUSTRALIENS in Buffalo Dreams Festival!

Australiens is part of the official selection for Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival! Australiens is one of two Aussie features screening there this year! The festival takes place from Friday NOV 6th to Thursday NOV 12th at the Eastern Hills Cinema, 4545 Transit Road, Buffalo, New York, USA. The exact festival schedule should be released …

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After 20 overseas festivals, Australiens is finally coming home! The film will have its Sydney premiere as part of the Sydney Indie Film Festival being held at The Bayview Cinema at the Bayview Hotel, in the suburb of Gladesville, just 15 minutes from the Sydney CBD. The Festival runs from October 17 – 25. Exact …

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