November 2013 archive

EPISODE 3 – Brain Squirts

It’s that time of the month again! So you have every right to be upset. And speaking of bloody messes, here’s the third, and some would say, “troisième”, episode of The Void – Brain Squirts! Skits abound in this one – from a suicide train, to a commercial that doesn’t know what it’s about, to …

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Voideo 16 – GUSTAF vs Leonardo (DiCaprio)

O what’s in a name actor’s name? Up to 20 million dollars, these days. But that won’t stop delusional indie filmmakers from dreaming about rubbing shoulders with the bigwigs. And rubbing wigs with the bigshoulders, a procedure known as static-electro-wig-friction-therapy. Case closed.

Voideo 15 – FEX turns green

If there’s one colour that’s more associated with visual effects than any other, it would have to be green. Why, you say? Well isn’t it obvious, I say? Well you don’t have to be a dick about it, you say. I’m not being a dick – you’re being a dick, I say. You start to …

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Voideo 14 – LU warms her vocals

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the voice is the squeak of the hinge of the dog flap to the brain. And just as we aim to keep our eye windows clear, so too must we oil that hinge, to allow dogs to not be scared when they come into our …

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AUSTRALIENS – Trailer #1

Ever wanted to shoot up the Sydney Opera House? If so, please call the Australian National Security Hotline and give yourself up, you terrorist. But before you do, check out the first trailer for the sci-fi-action-comedy-historical drama, AUSTRALIENS! (the plot is in the spelling)