Like film itself, Ed, the Void’s go-to-out-of-desperation cameraman/grip, has often been described as “negative”. Some people in this world simply don’t give a damn. Ed would be one of those people but he just doesn’t have the energy.
August 2013 archive
Aug 30 2013
Voideo 5 – MILLY does Darth Vader
Most people lose their innocence at around age ten, either by lying, stealing or coveting. Not Milly though – The Void’s highly repressed audiophile. She’s so pure she bleeds Alaskan spring water. But that won’t stop her doing a mean impression of Darth Vader. (mean = average in this context)
Aug 29 2013
Voideo 4 – FEX disappears
Ever yearned to know how Visual Effects are done? No? Well then this won’t interest you: Fex, The Void’s resident pixel-Picasso, minus the talent, has taken some time out of his lethargic schedule to show you how to spice up your VFX-life with some hot tricks guaranteed to drive him/her* WILD! *your client
Aug 28 2013
Voideo 3 – WILTON in Stockholm
Wilton was the kind of kid that even the bullied kids bullied, after which he thanked them profusely and paid them for their time. But those days are all behind him. It’s the days in front of him he should be worried about, because Gustaf was the kind of kid who bullied the bullies, and …
Aug 27 2013
Voideo 2 – LU on auditioning
Acting auditions. They’re palm-sweating, knee-wobbling, lower-intestine-peristalsis-inducing experiences, aren’t they? Not to worry! Lu is a professional thespian and she’s here to teach you how to burn yourself into the director’s mind without the help of a soldering iron.
Aug 26 2013
Voideo 1 – GUSTAF vs Michelangelo
Meet Gustaf, Satan’s gift to filmmaking. If you took all the worst qualities of every film director and stapled them together to form a Frankenstein’s-monster-esque amalgamation, Gustaf would come along and tell you to do it all over again because it wasn’t good enough.
Aug 20 2013
THE VOID is coming to YouTube
Just when you thought the last shovel of dirt had been patted down smoothly over the grave of The Void… it rises from the dead to bite you on the backside! That’s right, subscribers (why do I feel like I’m talking to myself?) – all six episodes from the First and Only Season of the …